

Shutter Island (2010)

Genre: Thrillers, Psychological Thrillers, Mystery

Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo, Max Von Sydow

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Director: Martin Scorsese

A true masterpiece from director Martin Scorsese. We finally get to see a Hitchcock type of movie in the 21st century.

Leonardo DiCaprio plays an investigator sent to a hospital in "Shutter Island" for criminals who are insane. Mark Ruffalo enlists as his partner in finding the disapperance of a female patient from the hospital. Soon, Dicaprio finds that the hospital has his own web of mysteries. Ben Kingsley plays the lead pyschiatrist who is reluctant to help with the investigation and cuts them access to certain parts of the hospital. There is also another doctor who might have been involved with the Nazis during the world war which makes him think if they are doing any experiments on the patients in the totally secured island knowing that they are just criminally insane that no one would for them. He soon finds himself driven crazy by the events unfolding at the hospital and the rest is about whether he accomplishes his mission or not.

Dicaprio definitely needs to consider playing different roles. In most of the recent movies like "Body Of Lies", "Blood Diamond", "The Departed" and even in "Inception", he plays serious roles in which he looks sleep deprived. I hope he realizes it and looks for different roles.


  1. Its an insane movie, but can be seen once.

  2. ye.. it's too heavy and dark to see it again. it kinda drains your energy..
