

Transformers (2007)

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi

Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight, Josh Dushamel

My Rating: 5/5

The Autobots and the evil Decepticons, two robot species fight for the "All Spark", a cube that creates their life forms but lose it in space during their war. Finally, the autobots hear news that it has been located in an unknown planet called "Earth".

If you like giant robots transform into cool cars and fight against each other, then this movie is for you. Shia LaBeouf stars as a teenager whose father buys him a used car. It turns out that it is an alien robot that has a mind of its own. It soon signals it's friends, the remaining autobots to come down to earth.

It is then revealed that the teenager's great-grandfather discovers the frozen state of Megatron, the leader of the evil Decepticons, who first locates the All Spark on earth, in the Arctic Circle. Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots tries to get to the All Spark location before the Decepticons could so that they do not take the control of the universe. There is plenty of robot and human fight sequences and also between the  two robot species.

Having never seen the original transformer series, I really loved the concept and the action sequences. However, i heard the true fans complain that Optimus Prime was not given much of screen time and that the story revolves around the teenager. But it is definitely worth watching if you are a big fan of action movies and special effects that makes Hollywood famous worldwide.

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